About us
新加坡建志私人有限公司创建于上世纪80年代,是一间具有30多年历史的传统中药补品公司,公司初期主要业务是以批发为主,为了适应市场需求,公司于20年前采用反传统的经营模式转型,自创品牌,在本地开创了第一间蜂标中药传统旗舰模范店,严控产品质量、采用电子付款方式、标准化的装潢与陈列、精美卫生的设计包装,自助式的购物获得顾客的青睐。目前公司已拥有10间自营批发与自销店,以及符合食品卫生标准的加工厂房。 目前主要以经营燕窝、冬虫夏草、野生花旗人参、地道药材,海产等为主,同时,经营粮油食品、中西成药和2000 多种以上的中药保健品,公司秉承专业道德至上的诚信经营理念,货真价实的优质产品,服务于大众,共创企业之永续经验 。
20 years ago, Bee's Brand was created as the company embarked into retail or direct selling to consumers catering to those whom were looking for quality and value for money products. Moving along together with these changing market trend, the company innovated itself and departed from the “mysterious” traditional ways of how Traditional Medical Halls were operated.
Focusing on Branding , Packaging, Quality and Service to meet the rising consumers demands and expectations.
Our first "modern" retail TCMH was then setup in Hong Lim Complex which incorporates these values and many never been used before ideas which were popular with consumers:-Pre-Packed products, Point of Sales System, Cashless payments, Digital Weighing scales, Self Serve shopping etc.
Currently the Bee's Brand Group operates with a total of 10 retail and wholesale outlets in various parts of Singapore with over 2000 different items in store, supported by our own imports and AVA approved repacking factory.
Our main product lines includes Bird's Nest, Wild Cordyceps, Wild Ginseng, Traditional Chinese Herbs, Marine Produce and also other dried goods and food products.