Butterfly Pea Flower 德兰花 (蝶豆花) — 80g
[ 食用方法 ]
将适量蝶豆花(5-6朵)放入杯中,以热水冲泡即可饮用。 可依喜好加入其他茶饮、柠檬汁等调味搭配,泡好的蝶豆花茶呈鲜艳 蓝色,蝶豆花会对柠檬酸起反应,变成美丽的紫色,制作糕点也可加入鲜艳的蓝色。
[ Directions ]
Infuse 5-6 flowers with cold or hot water for a few minutes and its ready to serve. Lemon Juice, Lemon Grass and various flowers can also be added to suits individual preferences.
Net Weight : 80g/Bottle
Storage : Keep in cool & dry place or refrigerated
Product Origin : India
[ 食用方法 ]
将适量蝶豆花(5-6朵)放入杯中,以热水冲泡即可饮用。 可依喜好加入其他茶饮、柠檬汁等调味搭配,泡好的蝶豆花茶呈鲜艳 蓝色,蝶豆花会对柠檬酸起反应,变成美丽的紫色,制作糕点也可加入鲜艳的蓝色。
[ Directions ]
Infuse 5-6 flowers with cold or hot water for a few minutes and its ready to serve. Lemon Juice, Lemon Grass and various flowers can also be added to suits individual preferences.
Net Weight : 80g/Bottle
Storage : Keep in cool & dry place or refrigerated
Product Origin : India